Joi validation in Node JS.

Joi validation in Node JS.

validating and sanitizing input data using JOI


2 min read

Joi is a powerful data validation library for JavaScript that brings order to the chaos of incoming data.

Whether you're building APIs, web apps, or any Node.js application, Joi brings clarity to your codebase with its intuitive schema definition syntax, and also ensure the data you're dealing with adheres to the rules you define.

Data validation is not just about ensuring your app works correctly; it's about fortifying your application against security vulnerabilities. By validating and sanitizing input data, you can prevent common attacks like SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), and more.

Joi's robust validation rules are your first line of defense against these threats on your database.

Here is an example of using JOI with Express Js, and Mongo db.

To get started, you need to have a prerequisite of Java Script and Node Js.

Installing Joi is very easy. A quick npm install and a couple of lines of code, and you're ready to harness the validation power of joi.

Step 1. Run the command on your terminal. npm i joi

Step 2. Create a Joi Schema on your Utils folder. JoiSchema.js

Step 3. Require the joi library on your schema file and set up your rules.

const joi = require("joi");

const userJoiSchema = joi .object({
email: joi.string().email().required(), password: joi.string().min(8).max(30).required(), }) .options({ abortEarly: false });

module.exports = userJoiSchema;

Step 4. import the Joi schema to your controller.

const userJoiSchema = require('../Utils/userJoiSchema');

Step 5. Initialize the Joi schema in your controller and validate your payload.

const { error, value } = userJoiSchema.validate({ email, password, });

Step 6. Perform your logic and response.

if (error) { res.status(204).json({ message: 'Invalid data type' }); }

const newuser = await User.create(value);

With these simple steps, you've harnessed the power of Joi to validate your data with elegance and confidence.

Till we meet again, ๐‘ฐ ๐’‚๐’Ž ๐‘ป๐’†๐’Ž๐’‘๐’๐’† ๐‘จ๐’‹๐’–๐’›๐’Š๐’†.

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